Friday 18 January 2008

*Take action to protect your local voice

The Government wants to push through plans for nuclear power stations and airport expansions, by stripping you of your rights to a say in these major developments.

Under current Government proposals, you would no longer have a right to appear in person and have your say in a meaningful way.

An "Infrastructure Planning Commission" (IPC) will take decisions on the construction of major infrastructure projects. The Commission would be unelected and unaccountable, even to Ministers.

The individual's right to be heard in person at inquiries into major infrastructure projects must be upheld and Ministers must remain accountable for these decisions.

The proposed National Policy Statements will also gravely endanger our ability to cut carbon emissions and tackle climate change.

We need a planning system that puts sustainable development at the heart of decision making on major infrastructure projects such as power stations, airports and roads.

Write to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government asking her to rework the Planning Reform Bill.

Go to

for suggested letter which can be sent by email if you’re short of time.

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