Friday 10 October 2008

*Green industry has power to create new green jobs

Jean Lambert, Green Party MEP for London, launched her new report Green Work: Employment and skills – the climate change challenge. The publication finds that the UK is failing to expand its green industries and in doing so is trailing many other European countries when it comes to creating new green jobs.

Around 40% of Europe’s total wind capacity is located in the UK, but we produce little more than 4% of its wind energy. This lack of investment in green industries means that the UK has, at very best, 26,000 jobs in renewable energy, while Germany has 250,000.

Jean Lambert, who is a Member of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee in the European Parliament, said:

“There is high unemployment in London and an urgent need for skills training and investment in green industries. The government must enable the UK to prosper as a green industry leader to reap the associated environmental, economic and social benefits.”

For more information see Green Work: Employment and skills – the climate change challenge, at

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