Friday 11 May 2007

*Steps In The Fall Of The Dinosaur Era

From the UP! blog:
*Steps In The Fall Of The Dinosaur Era *

In 1950, Earth was embroiled in the Cold War after having suffered through two world wars in a single generation. Yet, surprisingly, 0% thought we needed to drastically change our way of life. It wasn't until the stress-torn year of 1968 that 1% finally started imagining a different type of world.
By 1970, that number increased to 5%.
It took another 20 years before it got as high as 10% in 1990, right before the first Gulf War.
10 years later, as George W. Bush was elected US President, that number rose to 14%.
By 2004, the willingness to change in order to save the planet rose to 25%.
One year later, it quickly rose to 30%.
It only took another year to reach 40%.
And at the beginning of 2007 it finally hit _50%_.
By April 1st, it was at 53% and it's 55% today.
Throughout the rest of this year we should see an unprecedented increase in the dissatisfaction of human beings in the way man has mismanaged the Earth, its resources and our human relationships.

This rate of increase has never before been experienced in the history of the planet._
Bryan James.UP!

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